Friday, October 4, 2013

From A Project To A Home

Dan working on the cabinet doors.
We thought our most hectic days were behind us. HA!

I woke up on Tuesday morning, the first day in our tiny house, completely wrecked. I could feel a head and chest cold starting to hit hard, so I took the day off work to nip it in the bud. So, I spent the first half of my first day curled up in the loft, then the second half was spent slowly shuffling around and sniffling as I attempted to de-clutter and organize our things. As much as could be done at this point, anyways. One thing that struck me as my mind finally came into focus that morning, was how subtle the switch happened.  For so long this place was a project and in the blink of an eye, it was home. It's flat out amazing to me that one day last October we took a deep breath and took the plunge, not knowing what we would be up against, if we would succeed, if we would even like our finished product! 

Green accent color to trim out the windows. :)

Since we had to move in before we were completely done, things are a little crazy right now. Our stuff had to go with us, and since most of our shelving and storage are unfinished or just yet to be built, it all ended up on wire racks in the great room. Good thing we haven't started to build in that space! I don't know where else everything would have gone! 

On Tuesday I was able to get the pile down to a less overwhelming amount, but much still remains out in the open, waiting for a shelf or cubby to call home. I remember being excited when all of our clothes fit in the space we set aside for them. I don't think that's going to be the case for much anything else though! Boo. Looks like I will need to trim down my belongings yet again, and I am not pleased with the amount we have in storage- excuse me, more accurately, the amount  I  have in storage. ;) So I'll be thinning that out too.

Dan, being the simple guy he is, never had a whole lot of stuff. Jealous!! I'm the one with a million hobbies and skills so I have quite a bit, even just in the realm of painting and sewing. Looks like I'm going to have to make some more hard cuts. 

Anyways, so this week has been one of major adjustments, obviously. You don't realize how many little routines you have in a day until it's all thrown upside down. So we are in the re-learning stage which is always a little uncomfortable. I must say my favorite is seeing Dan make his way down from the loft first thing in the morning. We don't have the ladder in place yet, so it can be precarious, but even more so for the likes of Mr. Newborn-Giraffe. He's all groggy and wobbly every morning, good thing he doesn't have far to fall!

We both really love the space and as it continues to develop we grow more proud of our design and choices. It's going to be a really interesting and fun space. Between work, Dan's classes, and errands that have piled up since we've been giving all our time to the house, we haven't done much this week other than unpack little by little, and start the bookshelf/desk space. 

I took some of the green paint we had
and mixed it with water to create a wash for
the counters, to bring in a little color.
Now the counters need like 100 coats
of tung oil. ;)

We are headed to yet another wedding out of state this weekend, but this time around it's only a handful of hours away. I'm looking forward to seeing a great group of college friends, but I think I'll be keeping it low key so I have the energy to put in some work when we get back Sunday. It's been tough as the year progresses and the light diminishes. Now, we race home, get set up, and even then we have about an hour of daylight to work with. That's been a bit frustrating. We will be depending on weekends a lot more. 

All waiting for a home! AGH!

I'm planning to pick up a small single burner stove for us to use while we are still in limbo. We have the nice cooktop, but it will probably be another week or more before we get around to installing that for use. We want to get all of the storage built, get the bathroom functional, and then we will turn our focus to that. 

Here's a bunch of pics from the last five days or so!

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We love the green wash! Against all that pine, it looks great!

Beginnings of the bathroom.

A mirror I had served as the inspiration for the color.
Now that mirror is in the bathroom. :)

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